Different Types Of Affordable Roofing And Its Materials

The assurance for the long life of the house, as well as the comfort of its inhabitants, depends on the roof and it’s protection. The protective coating may act as a decorative function, highlighting the owner of the house’s artistic tastes and his status. Homeowners may not be adequately aware of what sort of affordable roofing exists before building a house or doing a major renovation. 

Affordable Roofing

It is worth considering in depth the styles of roofs of private houses in order to completely incorporate design innovations and architectural solutions. You can completely use the quality of building materials by understanding the types of affordable roofing materials for the roof. 

For example, to achieve an artistic effect, it is most effective to combine different types of roofing material on one roof to use it to cover various buildings while constructing a single architectural ensemble.

Sheet roofing and its types

  • Metal tile
  • Roofing corrugated board
  • Ondulin 
  • Slate 
  • Steel seam roofing
  • Seam roof 
  • Soft roof
  • Flexible shingles 
  • Roll welded roofing
  • Flat membrane roof
  • Piece roofing materials
  • Ceramic tiles 
  • Sand-cement tiles
  • Slate roofing is a rare elite coating
  • Self-levelling roof

Sheet affordable roofing

Metal tiles 

Metal tiles are efficient, beautiful, yet noisy. Often, this roof covering is indistinguishable from costly ceramic tiles. The metal tile contains a cold-rolled steel sheet with a zinc coating which, for durability, is coated with one of the polymer forms. On top, a protective varnish is added, and within there are many more layers. 


This is a primer, as well as a passivating aluminum coating, in particular. Quite light is the finished board.

The spectrum of metal tile application is very broad. It is used as a roof for private housing roofs, industrial buildings, garage roofs, kiosks. A flat roof is often framed with metal tiles, placing it under a slope. 

Corrugated Board Affordable Roofing

It is affordable relative to metal. Like the preceding material, profiled flooring is made up of the cold rolled steel along with the hot galvanized steel. Often the metal is thicker for him than it is for the metal tiles. Sheets may have profiles that are both rectangular and wavy. 

They are coated with a zinc or aluzinc layer on all sides. Additional polymer safety is available on the top. The profile can be in the form of a rectangle, a wave, a trapezoid.

Area of applications: It is used for outbuildings, such as sheds and garages, this type of affordable roofing is also used. The roofs of industrial companies, restaurants, car washes are also protected.

Roof from corrugated board 

It is environmentally friendly, waterproof, yet flammable Ondulin is

coated with its naturalness and price. It has fine bitumen-impregnated cellulose fibers with polymer additives. 

roof installation

They are referred to not only as ondulin but also as euro-slate and aqualin. It looks pretty good when painted with heat-resistant polymer paint (one or two coats).

Area of applications: To cover sheds, baths and garages, Ondulin is also used. For complex roofing, it is nice as it bends easily. During repairs, it is easy to renovate an old roof (from slate, for example) with this coating, giving it a new life.

So you’ve seen what affordable roofing styles exist. As you can see, each has its own “but” there are no materials that are perfect. Therefore, according to your needs and skills, select the coverage.

Our customer service team are ready to help with full customer satsifaction, so contact us for more information and queries!

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